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360° safety: ideal protection for your entire warehouse

Can warehouses become safer and safer? Absolutely, with a reliable partner providing support. Trust our expertise and decades of experience to supply you with safety solutions that provide your warehouse with maximum protection: personnel, infrastructure, goods and data. Optimise safety whilst also benefiting from greater efficiency, productivity and cost control. Even when warehouses are automated or highly complex, you can always rely on us!

Free Webinar: Introduction to Warehouse Safety

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seperator protection of personnel

Protection of personnel

Because people are what matters most

People are the most valuable asset to a company. This is why we passionately focus on developing safety solutions that provide them with optimal levels of protection. To protect your employees from collisions with industrial trucks or other accidents in the warehouse, we offer a variety of safety solutions and assistance systems. They recognise and avoid potential hazards even within the dynamic environment of an automated warehouse. And because the health of your employees is important to us, we ensure that the workplace is ergonomically designed. Your operators can therefore remain safe and efficient at all times as they work.

Safety collection arculee

Automatically safe

Automation makes your warehouse faster and more dynamic. Solutions such as the well-designed safety sensory technology with 360° personal protection of our mobile robots prevent accidents in environments containing both people and machinery. Get to know our autonomous mobile Robot arculee S.

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Asset Safety Picture Konstruiert für optimalen Schutz Designed for optimal protection

The maximum safety that characterises our trucks extends beyond the digital assistance systems: we consider the robustness of the roof down to the side protection a fundamental requirement. Our trucks are also built to maintain as clear a view as possible of the surroundings.

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Asset Safety Picture Kontrollierte Geschwindigkeit

Controlled speed

Adherence to the appropriate speed of an industrial truck is an important factor in ensuring safety within a warehouse. Our smart assistant systems provide indispensable support in this area.

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Quote Schutz von Infrastruktur
Tobias Kramer
Logistics Manager at LOGOCOS

“A system such as zoneCONTROL can play a major part in ensuring that no accidents take place and that no personnel and material are affected as a result.”


Protection of infrastructure

We keep an eye on your trucks and your warehouse equipment

Nothing is more important for maintaining day-to-day processes and a smooth workflow than an intact infrastructure. Damage to warehouse equipment or machines costs time and money, such as when a damaged truck is not available. We protect all components in manual or automated warehouses with smart assistance systems and the racking inspection service from Jungheinrich experts. 


Safety where the danger is greatest

Every warehouse has zones that are particularly at risk of accidents: traffic junctions, areas with poor visibility or mixed operations in confined spaces. zoneCONTROL is our sophisticated safety solution aimed at preventing collisions in these areas and for a high efficiency in your warehouse.

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All-round view

Anyone wanting to transport, store and remove goods safely sometimes needs more than one pair of eyes. Our digital addedVIEW 360° camera system quite literally puts our claim to provide “360° safety” into practice.

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Regular inspections – constantly safe

Racking inspections are indispensable in the warehouse when it comes to ensuring safety. Our accredited racking inspectors carry out qualified specialist inspections in accordance with European standard EN 15635.

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Trennbild Schutz von Waren

Protection of goods

We look after your investment – from goods receipt to goods issue

Efficient protection of goods forms a solid foundation for corporate success: if no goods are damaged, then you have full control of your costs, you can reduce the number of complaints and enjoy a reputation for reliable deliveries with your customers. We provide support in recognising the risks to your goods across the whole warehouse and managing these risks with our safety solutions. Ultimately, we are only satisfied when 100% of your goods are safely brought to their destination, undamaged.

Exakt und sicher ein- und auslagern

Precise and safe storing and removal

Our addedVIEW digital fork camera and helpful additional features get you close to the storing and removal process. This enables more ergonomic, efficient and safe working.

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Kontrolle auf Knopfdruck

Control at the push of a button

Do you carry out precise manual controls on correct rack heights for every work cycle? This can be tiring – and therefore dangerous in the long run. This work step can be automated with positionCONTROL. 

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Optimale Auslastung statt Überlastung

Optimal utilisation instead of overload

Overloading a forklift truck creates serious risks to goods, infrastructure and personnel. Our operationCONTROL assistance system prevents such incidents and ensures optimal utilisation of industrial trucks. 

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Trennbild Schutz von Personen

Protection of data

We combine our logistics expertise with the most stringent IT standards

Data is the foundation of a modern warehouse – it networks, controls and enables more efficient processes. The ever-increasing importance of data also means that it is increasingly important to protect it against loss or abuse. Our well-designed software solutions are therefore not just tailored to your intralogistics requirements, but also satisfy the most stringent security standards.

Zertifizierte Qualität Certified quality

Independent experts test all our security solutions, so hackers do not stand a chance. Jungheinrich’s digital solutions are in line with the most stringent security standards, being certified in accordance with ISO 27001 and tested by the German TÜV. Discover our fleet management system.

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Fraunhofer-Institut validiert WMS-Software

Fraunhofer Institute validates WMS software

The Fraunhofer Institute examines over 3,700 individual aspects of warehouse management systems.
Annual inspections monitor the function and quality of our Jungheinrich WMS software. Discover our warehouse management system.

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Do you want to improve safety in your warehouse?

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